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Hamilton County Resource & Health Fair
June 14, 12pm

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Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds

2003 Pleasant Street | Noblesville, IN

This FREE event is available to the public to promote a stronger and more informed Hamilton County.  

Nonprofits can participate for FREE, while for-profit exhibitors require a minimal registration fee. All vendors and exhibitors (nonprofits and for-profits) must register no later than June 7, one week before the event on June 14, 2024.

This FREE public event is presented and coordinated by the Good Samaritan Network of Hamilton County. DUKE Energy is our event sponsor; other sponsors are Miller Family Allstate Insurance, Hamilton County Health Dept., Gentle Dentist, and Ascension St. Vincent Fishers.


Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds - Noblesville, IN

The Annual Hamilton County Resource & Health Fair is a free public event that will take place at the Hamilton County 4H Fairgrounds in Noblesville, Indiana.

The Resource Fair is an excellent opportunity for families to learn about various means of assistance and critical services that could benefit them with their everyday needs. Attendees can be confident they will leave the event with more knowledge and resources to help improve their lives.

The event will have over 100 exhibitor booth spaces, featuring non-profits, agencies, food, clothing, baby pantries, supporting businesses, and organizations. Exhibitors and sponsors will provide educational information, resources, and free items. Door prizes will be available to those who complete the onsite event registration survey. The event is meant to promote a stronger Hamilton County, and exhibitor/vendor and sponsor registration is required due to limited booth space.

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Image by charlesdeluvio

Connecting Exhibitors

What You Need To Know



Use this registration if your organization is considered a "non-profit." This registration type is FREE. Booth Space provided – (w/ 2 people per booth); Table cover provided; 6’ table w/2 chairs provided; Bottled water available; Assigned location/setup begins at 11am; lunch provided (11:30am-12:15am) (up to 2 per booth); Event Exhibitors Listing handout; Electricity request accepted based on availability and deadline date: June 7 - 1 week before. Non-Profit Registration: FREE

Use this registration if you consider yourself a "For-Profit" organization or business. Booth Space provided – (w/ 2 people per booth); Table cover provided; 6’ table w/2 chairs provided; Bottled water available; Assigned location/setup begins at 11am; lunch provided (11:30am-12:15am) (up to 2 per booth); Event Exhibitors Listing handout; Electricity request accepted based on availability and deadline date: June 7 - 1 week before. For-Profit registration $65 (save $5 with early registration by May 27)

Business Meeting

Supporting Sponsors

What You Need To Know

This community event will have approximately 1,200 attendees and over 75 vendor booths. People can meet with vendors and representatives from GSN non-profits, Central Indiana businesses, and organizations to learn about resources and volunteer opportunities.


Sponsorship benefits include name/print recognition, website listing w/link, onsite entry signage, floor plan listing, prime front row booth placement, and news release listing (based on the timeline). Sponsorship level: $500.00 (USD)


Sponsorship benefits include name/print recognition, floor plan listing, secondary row booth placement, and news release listing (based on the timeline). Sponsorship level:  $250.00 (USD)

Our Event Sponsors

"We appreciate the commitment of Good Samaritan Network to serve Hamilton County!"


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"Hospital and ER delivers personalized testing and care for your everyday health needs. We appreciate the commitment of Good Samaritan Network to serve Hamilton County!"


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Hamilton County Vendor

“I had over 100 people stop at my booth, I was very pleased...” - Vendor

General Public

 “Thank you so was a wonderful event... I got lots of information."
- Public

General Public

“I found out about ways I could receive support and help I never knew about.”
- Public

Office Hours:

Mon - Fri: 9am - 4:30pm




(Lunch 12pm-1pm) 



Closed all holidays.

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© 2023 by Good Samaritan Network

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Good Samaritan Network


13053 Parkside Drive

Fishers, IN 46038

Tel: 317.842.2603

Fax: 317.288.0784  (NORTH) 



12933 Parkside Drive

Fishers, IN 46038 

Tel: 317.842.2603

Fax: 317.842.4766  (SOUTH)

Good Samaritan Network is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (TIN 20-4371453) under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Contact us for more information

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